
This website is undergoing considerable technical challenges. It will be functional as soon as possible. I look forward to resuming the “Daily Upload” page. –Sally Mack, April 22, 2020

About Me

Photography and Me

I’ve been a photographer since first picking up a 35mm film camera in college. Those were the black-and-white days, I shot exclusively b&w for years. When people comment that they can see my years of shooting b&w in my contemporary photos, I assume they’re complimenting my composition.

One of the joys of b&w is the ease with which film can be processed and prints made. Standing in a darkroom with only a dim red light and trays of chemicals, watching a print appear on a blank piece of paper is pure magic.

Then color film and processing became the norm, so I switched to color. When film became a photographic “niche” I switched, again, this time to digital.

It was a difficult transition but I now shoot digital while still not quite believing that digital images are “real.”

If you would like to contact me, please comment on any photo on the Daily Upload page. I will respond to the e-mail generated by the comment.–Sally Mack, April 22, 2021
